Osoba, której dane są przetwarzane w granicach określonych w RODO ma prawo do żądania od administratora dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania lub wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania danych, a także przenoszenia danych oraz wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych, ul.
Stawki 2, Warszawa, a w przypadku wyrażenia dobrowolnej zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych — prawo do cofnięcia tej zgody w dowolnym momencie, co nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej cofnięciem, 6. Dane będą wykorzystywane do automatycznego podejmowania decyzji w celu przygotowania wyboru ofert matrymonialnych dopasowanych do kandydata, 7.
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Poznaj swoją drugą połowę w ekspresowym tempie. Nasze stałe imprezy organizujemy w klubie Park oraz MultiPub w Warszawie. Szczegóły i zapisy na naszej stronie. On November 28, , he was elected the Marshal of the Podkarpackie Voivodship for the fifth term, and on November 19 the Voivodship councillors entrusted him with this function for the 6th term of office. He is also a member of the Catholic Action and the Genius Loci association. Paweł Grzybowski was born in Rypin on January 3, He started working for the self-government in as the Councillor of the City Council of Rypin.
He was the Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Sport. In the term after re-election to the City Council Rypin, he became its vice-chairman. In he took the position of the Mayor of Rypin for the first time. He successfully runs for re-election in and As the Mayor of Rypin, he actively works for the self-government. During his tenure, he organized twice the Rypin Economic Forum and many social and economic meetings with representatives of various levels.
He is involved in the organization of sports ventures, as well as initiates many local and regional activities. Since the Mayor of the Lidzbark Warmiński. An economist by profession, a long time entrepreneur and a local government official. Vice-coordinator of the Polish Cittaslow City Network. Vice President of the Polish Cittaslow Association. Member of the Management Board of Dom Warmiński.
Coordinator of the innovative programme "Lidzbark Warmiński Bez Wad Postawy", and the creator of the first in Poland pedestrian crossing in 3D graphics. In the years he was an assistant of the project coordinator in the Preparation Center for Absorption of Assistance Funds of the Institute for Strategic Studies. In he served as a clerk at Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture.
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In the years coordinator of programs implemented by the Institute for Strategic Studies Foundation. Since the Mayor's plenipotentiary for acquiring external funds in Skawina. He has experience in social work, an expert in the substantive evaluation of the Civic Initiatives Fund, a collaborator of the Foundation for European Research "Sarmacja", and a member of the Local Action Group "Blisko Krakowa".
In Skawina Municipality he is responsible for, among others, the implementation of the Mobility Plan, the Municipal Revitalization Programme, and the Smog Eradication Programme, as well as for the coordination of the implementation of the Skawina Municipality Development Strategy. A strong supporter of integrated transport and urban greenery, propagator of the development of public spaces, especially those friendly to residents, pedestrian zones and clean air.
He oversees the development of strategic programmes of the UN-Habitat including National Urban Policy, urban-rural linkages, smart cities, metropolitan development and the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning and its application to health sector.
He manages an active global portfolio in over 40 countries. Prior to join UN-Habitat, Dr. Sietchiping was Project Leader of the Global Land Tool Network where he coordinated the work on tool development processes particularly on access to land and tenure security, land management and planning, land information, land policy and legislation and land-based financing. Sietchiping has over 40 publications including books, peer-reviewed articles, papers in proceedings and reports. He speaks French and English.
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He holds a Ph. D in Geography from the University of Melbourne, Australia. Mayor of Quelimane City Milunicipality, Mozambique. Senior Lecturer, Catholic University. Since working at the Urban Policy Unit of the Ministry of Regional Development CZ, focusing mostly on urban mobility and related issues, especially within the framework of the thematic partnerships under the Urban Agenda for the EU. Since onwards working in the Czech public sector and developing various fields of policy with environmental impacts organic farming at Ministry of Agriculture, international relations at Ministry of Environment, tobacco control at Ministry of Health and most recently urban development at Ministry of Regional Development.
For the EIB, where she worked as a permanent agent after having passed a selection , she evaluated integrated urban project proposals and monitored the approved ones.
Session I The future of cities from an international perspective
He has a broad professional expertise on urban and territorial Planning at the local and regional levels. Since he has worked in United Nations System. Between and , in United Nations Development Programme UNDP was responsible for international and multilateral cooperation and for the development of programs in Europe and Asia. Under UNDP, he has worked in dozens of countries, implementing development programs based on transfer of knowledge from Poland. UN and EU policy expert, in particular in the field of business and administration cooperation as well as mobilization of the private sector to implement the UN development goals and standards.
Specialist in development, multilateral and knowledge transfer, climate policy and anti-corruption activities. Deputy Director, Department for Development Strategy, Ministry of Economic Development Public administration officer with a long-standing experience in programming and implementation of development policy, structural funds, and especially its territorial dimension in Poland.
Since , starting with employment at the Ministry of Economy and Labor and later i. Within implementation functions he was involved in — among others — coordinating the preparation and implementation of Integrated Territorial Investments main territorial instrument under Cohesion Policy supporting integrated actions for sustainable urban development. Currently, as Deputy Director in the Department for Development Strategy of the Ministry of Economic Development, he is responsible for national urban policy and strategic projects under territorial development policy deriving from the new main development strategy for Poland Strategy for Responsible Development.
In the years and he was a councillor in the city of Poznań, and in the years - a councillor of the Wielkopolskie voivodeship regional parliament. In the term he was a member of the City Council of the City of Poznań. Since he has been the director of the Office of the Association of Polish Cities. Since he has been the secretary of the Joint Commission of the Government and of the Local Government on the part of local government. In the years and he cooperated with the Office of the Council of Ministers and the Chancellery of the Prime Minister in the field of constitutional reforms.
In the years he was a member of the Main Urban and Architectural Commission, and in and again as of - the Scientific Council of the Institute of Urban and Regional Development in Krakow. He is a member of the Chapter of the Order of Polonia Restituta. In he received the title of the "Member of a Local Government of the 25th anniversary" from the local government paper "Wspólnota".
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Author of several dozen scientific publications and expert opinions including assessing the effectiveness of the impact of EU funds on regional development, sustainable development modelling, monitoring the situation of young people on the labour market, effective debt management in a local government unit. She is a co-author of the socio-economic development strategy developed at the regional, sub regional, and local level, she cooperates with many local government units, as well as with the central government administration. Jacek Woźniak — expert in the field of regional development and cities.